Which will it be for 2010? LEGO City "Toys R Us" fans' choice

City Square:


Truck Stop:

Images are courtesy of LEGO "Toys R Us" concept art from Fans' Choice Vote in 2009

I actually can't remember which one I voted for ;-)

Damaged LEGO 6-case workstation storage set

This is the damaged set / frame and there were no baseplates included, as indicated on product description.  Manufactured by IRIS under LEGO product license.

Follow-up: Zappos was super great about the issue and gave me credit for the damage from improper packing in the shipping box & missing baseplates; so we bought more cases (without the workstation frame).  They still sell those at Zappos
Update: Apparently Zappos doesn't stock them any more, but they still have other LEGO items here: LEGO Lifestyle items at Zappos

As of November 2011, IRIS storage set is available at these places: Target  -- as well as Amazon
and at Toys'R'Us

The product stock-photo is below: